---------------------------------------------------- --- A redistribution of https://wearedevs.net/ --- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- --- Map Radar ( made by sexy beast icee ) --- ---------------------------------------------------- --game: https://www.roblox.com/games/863266079/Apocalypse-Rising-2-Alpha -- Vars local Players = game:GetService("Players"); local Player = Players.LocalPlayer; local Framework = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst"):WaitForChild("Framework"); local FrameworkRequire = Framework and require(Framework); local Resources = FrameworkRequire.require("Libraries", "Resources"); local Interface = FrameworkRequire.require("Libraries", "Interface"); local MapGUI = Interface:GetGui("Map"); local Marker = Resources:FindFrom(MapGUI, "ClipBin.DragBin.LocalMarker"); local MarkerClone; -- Apoc2 Function local function CalculateLocation(p1) local v21 = Vector3.new(-6789.4, 100, -6208.31); local u1 = CFrame.new(v21, v21 + Vector3.new(0, 0, 1)); local u2 = v21 - Vector3.new(7956.2, 100, 7111.69); local v25 = u1:pointToObjectSpace(p1) / u2; return Vector2.new(v25.X, v25.Z); end; -- Main Loop while wait() do for i,v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if (v.Name ~= Player.Name and v.Character and v.Character.PrimaryPart) then local v34 = CalculateLocation(v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position); if (not Marker.Parent:FindFirstChild(v.Name)) then -- clones marker MarkerClone = Marker:Clone(); MarkerClone.Parent = Marker.Parent; MarkerClone.Name = (v.Name); MarkerClone.Position = UDim2.fromScale(v34.X, v34.Y); if (MarkerClone.MarkerCenter:FindFirstChild("Tooltip")) then -- makes it look sexy MarkerClone.MarkerCenter.Tooltip.TextLabel.Text = v.Name; MarkerClone.MarkerCenter.Tooltip.Visible = true; end; elseif (MarkerClone) then -- updates position MarkerClone.Position = UDim2.fromScale(v34.X, v34.Y); end; end; end; end;