--[[ © 2022 WeAreDevs | The WeAreDevs Infinite Jump script Created and distributed by https://wearedevs.net/scripts March 9, 2022 Step 1: Inject this script into any game using a Lua injector like JJSploit Step 2: When you get the ready notification, spam the space bar to jump as many times as you want Controls: Reinject the script to toggle the infinite jump script on or off. Excute Lua "G.infinjump = true" to explicity turn the infinite jump script on Excute Lua "G.infinjump = false" to explicity turn the infinite jump script off ]] --Toggles the infinite jump between on or off on every script run _G.infinjump = not _G.infinjump if _G.infinJumpStarted == nil then --Ensures this only runs once to save resources _G.infinJumpStarted = true --Notifies readiness game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {Title="WeAreDevs.net"; Text="The WeAreDevs Infinite Jump exploit is ready!"; Duration=5;}) --The actual infinite jump local plr = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer local m = plr:GetMouse() m.KeyDown:connect(function(k) if _G.infinjump then if k:byte() == 32 then humanoid = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') humanoid:ChangeState('Jumping') wait() humanoid:ChangeState('Seated') end end end) end